Acorn World '97

Photos from the last show ever to be staged by Acorn

Acorn World '97 took place in Hall 3, Wembley Exhibition & Conference Centre from 31st October to 2nd November 1997. The photographs presented here were mostly taken on Saturday, 1st November and were used in a report which appeared in RISC User 11:1.

The captions used here are the ones that were suggested for use in the magazine; further comments appear in italics.

Pic The Acorn stand was brimming with new technologies
Pic Akalat was doing a good trade in DTP resources, whilst iSV launched several new DTP and typography products
Pic Alternative Publishing had some stunning developmental software on show
Pic Argo was showing off NCs and Zip drives
Pic As usual, the Argo and Acorn stands were the two most attractive ones in the hall
Pic Beebug was featuring Ovation Pro and the 100th issue of RISC User
Pic Another Beebug shot, taken on the quiet Sunday
Pic Pic Beta-test CD-ROMs from Acorn ensured that the Clan lounge was a hive of activity
Pic Pic Acorn's new StrongARM-based NC, the coNCord
Pic The innards of a prototype Risc PC II were on display, with possible case designs showing on a screen nearby
Pic Pic The Guardian was showing off the Acorn NC (pity about the big Mac screenshot in the background, though!)
Pic Pic One of the most exciting things on the Acorn stand: a RISC OS terminal with colour touch-screen and voice recognition from one of Acorn's new licensees, ETRI in Korea
Pic Acorn's new LanTV was up and running
Pic The Acorn at Heart logo was perched UFO-like atop Acorn's stand
(unfortunately this picture is rather blurry)
Pic Overview of the hall
Pic Pic Overview of the hall
Pic Pic Overview of the hall
Pic Overview of the hall
Pic Pic Peter Bondar (left) was available for interview
Pic Peter Bondar (centre) points the way to the free CDs
Pic Pic Acorn's Head Honcho, Peter Bondar
(another fuzzy picture)
Pic A row of Risc PCs running Quake, using a special level based on Acorn House
Pic Oliver Linton, author of Clares' Rhapsody, was on hand to demonstrate the new version 4 of his program
Pic A close-up of the innards of the new Risc PC II prototype
Pic RISC User's 100th issue appeared at the show, as illustrated in this rather disappointing photo of the RISC User end of Beebug's stand. Featured at the left are Julian Burman and the back of Sarah Shrive's head!
Pic The new Web site-creating version of TextEase was drawing the crowds
Pic Spacetech was showing off lots of goodies, including super new digital cameras and a new version of TopModel (author Giancarlo Castagno can just be seen, wearing glasses)
Pic The theatre was quite spacious, and had an overflow area at the rear
Pic Acorn's H263 video conferencing software was on show
Pic Xemplar had to make do with a very small corner of Acorn's stand this year